Hello, this is Chiiko from Y&F.
I'm still working on my English. I think you can find some English mistakes in my article, but I expect you to understand what I'm trying to say.

The other day, a TV program about Kanemi Yusho was rerun in NHK Educational TV. The documentary shows how toxic chemicals which cause the Yusho Disease have been inherited to the next generation. A daughter, for instance,  whose mother was designated as a Yusho patient, developed the similar symptoms to her mother's, although she didn't directly consume the rice bran oil contaminated by PCBs and dioxins. It is possible that dioxins were passed from the mother to the daugher across the placenta and through breastfeeding. The daugher, however, is not designated as a Yusho patient. Likewise, many next generations are not officially designated as Yusho patients. This is one of the biggest problems on Kanemi Yusho.

In Taiwan, the similar incident to Kanemi Yusho occurred in 1979, which is called the Yucheng incident. A lot of poeple took in the cooking oil contaminated by PCBs and dioxins, and then they developed the same symptoms as the Yusho Disease, such as chloracne, skin pigmantaoins and so on. In addition, after decades of follow-up studies it turned out that harmful effects of dioxins were delivered to the next generations.  The Taiwan government promised the full medical care for the first and the second generations.

How about in Japan? Many of the second and third generations have not been designated as Yusho patients even if they suffer from the Yusho symptoms. Why not?

The documentary show is scheduled to be rerun at 0:45AM on November 2 (Friday night) again. If you can watch the NHK Educational TV channel, I'd like you to watch the show.

Thank you for reading!!
